Tuesday, December 17, 2019


IT folks live in a different kind of work world. Generally they know more than the people who pay them, and yet they often can't blatantly tell those folks what is really going on.

The war stories go on (I have a great one I'll save for later) everything from "My cup-holder doesn't work" (CD drawer broke) to smoke.exe (which may be apocryphal IDK)
In order to keep their jobs and still communicate effectively a few acronyms were created. The acronyms can be added to the report or "trouble ticket" and the IT folks will understand, and no one will get fired.

PEBCAK - Problem Exists Between Chair and Keyboard

PICNIC - Problem in chair, not in computer.

ID-10-T error -  look at it again it will come to you :D

Networking - layer 8 issue - There are only 7 layers in a network. The 8th would be in the chair again.

1. Physical  (e.g. cable, RJ45)
2. Data Link  (e.g. MAC, switches)
3. Network  (e.g. IP, routers)
4. Transport  (e.g. TCP, UDP, port numbers)
5. Session  (e.g. Syn/Ack)
6. Presentation  (e.g. encryption, ASCII, PNG, MIDI)
7. Application  (e.g. SNMP, HTTP, FTP)

Click, Click, Click

It was nearing Christmas time and Dan had been around the block with tech support, which is how he came to me. I was the final "tier" of support and customers were sent to our team when all else failed.
As I read his trouble tickets I thought "Holy Sh**" Dan had made 18 calls to Tech Support and no one had been able to fix his issue. His problem was simple, really; his hard drive kept dying. It would work fine for a few days and then start generating write errors, eventually turning into a BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death).

We had made him sit through 4 FFR (format and re-installs) of Win 95 on the original hard drive. The process takes about an hour. We then sent him 4 more hard drives which forced him to sit through the FFR process 4 more times. They all did the same thing.

It's important to note here, that Dan bought an $800 system. We had spent nearly $2,000 trying to fix it. We could have shipped him a new one for just under $500.

Granted, I had access to some resources that lower tiers did not; I could call the warehouse and have them check on shipments, incoming and outgoing. I could request expedited service (and they had better make it happen) when they got a call from me they called me "sir". I usually put a stop to that right away and had them use my name. I used this ability sparingly and treated them with the kind of respect they deserved; for that reason they were always fine hearing from me. When someone helped resolve and issue they always got a "star" from me, which meant a $10.00 bonus in their paycheck.

With Dan it was different. I had to ask them to check on a shipment of Hard Drives that we received, and find out what was wrong with them because, according to policy, every hard drive that Dan had replaced came from the same box.

I assured the fellow I was talking to that he had done nothing wrong but could I speak to the Ship/Rec Supervisor. When I had him on the phone I asked him to look up recall orders, which took a while. Sure enough there was a recall for that specific box of Hard Drives. I did not ask the Supervisor why they had not been returned.

I got Dan back on the phone. I was writing up an order, with the justifications to send him a new (not refurbished) system. While I talked with him I heard a clicking sound in the background; Click, Click, Click. I ask him if that was the hard drive.
"No," He said, "That's my 38."

I was hoping he did not mean a revolver, but I pressed the red button to start recording everything and signal the team lead that we had a 911 situation.

"Dan?" I said, "I'm writing up and order to send you...";
Dan interrupted me, "Not another hard drive"
"No," I replied. Click, Click, Click; BANG!

"Dan?" I closed my eyes.
"It's dead. I shot it."

Relief swept over me. I did not cancel the 911 alert, and the team lead was coming up the aisle. I was afraid he might turn the weapon on himself.
I struggled to find something to say that would defuse the situation.

"Dan," I said after a few beats, "You realize that voids your warranty?" I kept my fingers crossed.
There was a moments silence and then Dan burst into laughter. He dropped the phone. In order to recover it he had to put the gun on the table, I thought heard him do that. He grabbed the receiver but was laughing so hard he had to sit on the floor.

"I..." laughed Dan. "I hadn't... considered...that." He was still laughing and had forgot about the gun. Some of this I found out later.

When he calmed down a bit I chatted him for a few minutes and told him I was sending off a new system. I called the Warehouse and asked them to expedite the shipment.

I got a box of chocolate chip cookies from Dan a week later with a nice thank you note. I got a $10 bonus in my paycheck, too.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Timothy Snyder "On Tyranny"

When the men with guns who have always claimed to be against the system start wearing uniforms and marching with torches and pictures of a leader, the end is nigh.
When the pro-leader paramilitary and the official police and military intermingle the end has come.

Monday, December 09, 2019


I will tell you now that the best darn book case I ever owned was made from 32oz. Coke bottle crates and lumber 1/4"x 3' x 8's. They used to hold 6 "Family Sized" bottles, but my Susie (oops) Susan used to polish off 2 per day. She also had snickers for breakfast (sometimes 2) and would have eaten nothing but sugary crap if I hadn't cooked for her. Worse yet, she brushed her teeth once a day, had perfect straight white teeth and NEVER had a cavity.

She was the most intelligent person I ever knew and could play guitar better than me (than I?). She spoke 7 languages fluently with the flatist white girl accent on the planet. My foreign accents were far better than hers but I was speaking poppycock, while she was speaking the language.

She called me out of nowhere some 10 years after we said goodbye and told me not to "waste my life like (she) did" among other things. I asked her how I could get a hold of her and she said "that would be a very bad idea".

I was so worried about her, from her tone of voice and what she said, that I called the suicide hotline I used to work for in Florida. The best they could tell me is that it was an extension at the Regional Hospital where she worked. I called there, but try as I might they wouldn't even try to put me through to her.

We both worked on websites that listed the campaign funding of local candidates, that hardly anyone used. Several weeks later I was checking hers and her husband posted a notice that said she had passed from brain cancer, the night she called me.

I will never know what to make of that, but I still miss her to this day.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Paper or Plastic?

Paper or Plastic

I (sort of) remember the 1980s. I do remember I was quite proud to "Save a tree" and ask for a plastic bag. I didn't think of it then but now, I can't help but wonder who started this campaign? I researched it like crazy, but try as I might, I couldn't find any reference to an environmental organization that claims it. It seems that, just like Big Tobacco, Big Plastic may have had a hand in it.

I say this because I did find a reference in a November 17th, 1984 New York Times article in which these statements were made:

Plastic sacks have other advantages as well. ''They have handles, you can use them to carry your kids' bathing suits home from the beach, they're great for dirty diapers,'' said Frank Corbin, director of community relations for the Society of the Plastics Industry

Ronald Schmieder, marketing manager of the plastic grocery sacks division of the Mobil Chemical Company claimed. ''In Australia, 100 percent of all grocery bags are plastic,'' Mr. Schmieder said, adding, ''One can always hope.''

''This is progress, and with progress some products get left behind,'' said Charles Jenest, a chemical and plastics consultant for Arthur D. Little Inc. in Cambridge, Mass. ''People were loyal to paper bread bags too, and to many other paper products'' that have been replaced by plastic.

The article included paper bag loyalist claims as well:

''People are fond of the old paper bag,'' said Peter A. Bunten, assistant manager of the Kraft and Packaging Papers Division of the American Paper Institute. ''It's as American as the flag and apple pie and all those other red white and blue cliches.''

''Heavy plastic bags hurt your hands,'' said Samuel Posner, vice president of the retail bags division of the Samson Paper Bag Company.

Once again it seems that big corporations are deciding how we should live our lives. Not surprisingly Petroleum companies had a hand in it. Not much has changed.

Source: The New York Times

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

"Breaking News"

We live in a country where the president is fined $2 million for stealing money from charity and nobody cares.

Main Stream Media should have had Banner Headlines, TV should have had "Breaking News" Reports every 30 minutes. Average citizens should be out in the streets demanding his resignation.

However, like Trump University, the Trump Foundation, and even a recent eat-lunch-with-the-president contest in which winners donated but never got to eat lunch with the president; no one seems to notice. That's just the highlights, there are dozens of scams.

Our President is a crook, a shabby con man, a hater, racist and a moron. The Trumpsters eat it up (possibly they see him as a reflection of their own tastes) and average folks just post on Facebook and Twitter.

If you really care about our country, if you are not a racist, if you believe we should be progressing to a better world, instead of regressing into hate and racism then do something.

Call your congress people. Call your local news papers and stations. Write letters, send telegrams, take to the streets if you have to. Join Greta's protests, Boo Trump, donate to your favorite cause ($3.00 will do).

Most important VOTE. It is your duty as a citizen, it is your right as an American. It is what our veterans fought and even died for.

If you don't know who your Congress Persons are, you can find out (and shame on you). Here is an easy way to find out:



Vote local, too. That may be even more important. Your County Clerks Office web site has all the info, and an online registration page, too.

For My New Mexican Friends you can start here:

Vote or Shut up.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

You'd Be Surprised

You might be surprised by the number of technical support calls that are ended by asking one question; "Is it plugged in?"

You may also be surprised how many tech folks, appliance repairmen and auto mechanics "Google" the brand, model number and problem before attacking your problem. You can try that, too before calling someone else.  example - "JVC LT-43MAW588 no power" (try it).

I spent nearly 30 years in IT, from tech support phone rooms to my own contract business installing entire networks for medium sized companies. 8 times out of 10 the bosses master password was in his secretary's desk drawer, or under her desk pad. At first it dismayed me, later it just pissed me off. Before long I started concentrating on the Bosses secretary (no, not like that. Gosh what a mind you have) and gave her special training, because she did all the work anyway.

You would also be surprised how many people use "password" as their password. That being said, it's not considered the worst password. (insert face palm here)

Quick tips:
Does your password have your name, birthday or address in it? Change it now.
Are you using the same password for everything? Don't. Use different passwords for your bank, utilities etc. NEVER use those same passwords for Facebook.
You're best bet is a password manager. Most IT sites (Spiceworks, Cnet, Pcmag, et al.) say this is the way to go.
I found one that is free for multiple devices.
Full version is only $36.00 / year


 I have not used it yet, as I use my own system (28 years in IT) and sorry, I am NOT going to share it. Soon I will be using one, probably this one, because they are better than mine and easier to migrate (move from system to system).

Be prepared: You will be required to enter a 12 character password which is
At least 12 characters long
At least 1 number
At least 1 lowercase letter
At least 1 uppercase letter
Not your email

There are many other choices, Cnet has the most readable list, but you can just google "Best Password Managers" to find your own.

Just for entertainment, here is a list of bad passwords, the top 10 are much the same anywhere you look. If your password is on there, get a password manager, NOW.


#10  iloveyou
# 9  qwerty
# 8  sunshine
# 7  1234567
# 6  111111
# 5  12345
# 4  12345678
# 3  123456789
# 2  password
# 1  123456

Monday, October 14, 2019

Because a mis-informed Christian chose to argue with me about the Bible.

 I am an Agnostic. That means I don't deny the existence of a higher power (God, if you wish), but I don't support it either. I see no evidence and no reason to suspect there is a Higher Power. However, I see no reason to deny it's existence either.

 Let me take that a step further; I see nothing in the Universe (which includes You and I and the little barking puppy down the street) that can only be explained by the existence of this Higher Power. Life is inevitable; place the proper chemicals together and apply heat and life occurs. No divine intervention is required. That does not mean there wasn't any, just that it is not needed.

 It behooves me to let You believe whatever you wish, without calling you names or saying you're a fool for believing it. I hold others to that same standard. But, I will call out logical fallacies when they are used as proof in any circumstance, including religious proselytizing (oh, look it up). 

I do not ask that you believe as I do, I only ask that you do not shove your religion down my throat. That includes telling me to have a "blessed day". I don't wish to have a day like that, it is not in my belief system. However, I appreciate that you feel that I deserve to have one, based on your beliefs; Thank You.

What I truly resent is folks who insist that this is a "Christian" country and then cheer the caging of children, deny the FACT of climate change and support the lies and outright evil coming from some of our leaders. Folks who claim to be Christian and then cheat on their spouse. Christians who misquote the Bible (that really pisses me off).
I hold all religious people to this same standard; do not misquote the Bible, the Quran or the Torah. Do not twists the meanings of these sacred texts to suit your twisted ideas.

Things Christians should know about the Bible (but probably don't):

The Bible was written in Aramaic and Hebrew, not English. It was translated into Greek and then Latin sometime later. The current English version is based on the King James version (early 1600s) which expunged many references that King James and his Bishops didn't like; notably many about women.

The Roman Emperor Constantine convened The Council of Nicaea (AD 325) and decided what books would be henceforth included in the Bible. It was at this council that Christ was declared to be divine. Before that he was a Human.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Why It Matters

Why It Matters

 Around The World

Around the World people are fighting for freedom; I don't mean soldiers. Often, the soldiers in countries are fighting against freedom for the Dictators who have taken over the countries.
In Hong Kong, in the countries overtaken by ISIS, in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, Turkey and many others. It is happening here, in the US, now.

It has long been the vision of the sub-human dictators and corrupt rulers to exert complete power over their subjects, so they can have and do whatever they want.

Decade after decade we, the people have defeated them. WW1 and WW2 and wars and movements long before them. It has always been that the regular people, those to whom the World actually belongs, have defeated the maniacs; the Putins, Hitlers and Erdogans.

It's Still Easy

We have less chance now; partially because of technology. It is much easier now to find out who the protestors are (see China), easier to bring down hellfire and destruction on the world from afar (see Syria and so many others). The shear volume of propaganda and just plain bullshit being posted is staggering. The ability of social media users to re-post the lies (which they often don't even understand) is equally staggering.

What Can I Do?

We Americans have a chance now, to stop this; at least to help. We must do everything we can to stop the Dictators and their puppets (see Johnson, Trump etc.) from destroying the freedoms in Our World.

It is Our World, our countries; it does NOT belong to the Trumps, Putins, Erdogans and MBSs, whatever they believe.
If it takes marching in the streets we must do so, but it is far easier for the people of the US. Just vote.
There are far more freedom loving, human admiring people in our country then there are Patriot Prayer, Proud Boys, et al. There are more folks who weren't fooled by the lies and the BS that continues today. (see the Senate Report).

We in the US, have a totally non-violent, risk-free way to take Our Country back; Just Vote.

Friday, May 11, 2018

It Wasn't Good Enough.

Some of us thought it was settled. How could any reasonable, intelligent Person think otherwise? We settled it, didn't we? We started the downfall of the racists, sexists, warmongers, greedy corporate bastards; it's over, right?

I had my skull cracked open in Boston in the 70s, 60s(?) I got sent home by the niftiest preacher I ever met in the 60s, when they were approaching Selma. I can't, though I should remember his name; I will never forget his face, though. He had the coolest mustache I'd seen and skin like milk chocolate. A bunch of us got arrested in NYC. It was an adventure, a cause; it was immensely important. But it wasn't good enough.

We were so proud, because so much happened; but it wasn't good enough.

Now here we are. For folks with different skin, religion or gender it really hasn't changed much. I was stupid enough to believe We made a real difference. DOH!.

We did make a difference, though. Not enough difference, but a  difference. It was a start, things changed if even just a bit.

So maybe we started something, or continued it. There were the Suffragettes. Ludlow, Blair Mountain and others.

But it wasn't good enough.

So maybe the Parkland Kids, Me Too and others can keep it going. Someday the People will win over the Neo-Nazis, the Steve Bannon type low-life scumbags, Billionaire Robber Barons, Chicken Hawks like Bolton (How did that lowlife get another position? Is he connected to the Russians, too?).

Maybe We can do it? We The People can get Our Country back from the self-serving Lowlifes.

We just have to keep on trying until it is good enough.

It's Not A Reality Show.

There's more to it. I understand how angry folks are at the government. Things have been messed up, things don't always work right; often the agencies stand in the way of getting what we want. But it's not the fault of the agencies, as much as the fault of the elected officials; the party morons who get rich helping the rich and big corporations.

The Health care act is screwed up because the Elected officials who work for the HMOs screwed it up for their benefit. The VA is messed up because of the regulations and rules were paid for by billion dollar health care corporations. Our Country is no longer about the American People; it's about big corporations and billionaires and the campaign contributions.

Putin and Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu run the same type of country now. If you want to be rich and successful in business, you will funnel money their way; you will do as they wish. Putin and Netanyahu want to co-rule the middle east. They want all the oil, too. Oil still means money. Putin wants to control the oil and Netanyahu wants to control the middle east.
Now they have trump doing their bidding. Trump may be the dumbest person on the planet. He needs to know that the presidency is NOT a reality show, and it's not about ratings.

Now our Moron in chief has given the North Korean Hitler exactly what he wanted; recognition from the US. and what did we get in return?

Who ever thought that KKK Sessions would act heroically? I believe he did it to cover his own ass, but none the less.
Our President (did you ever think you would miss "Dubya"?) Has played into the hands of 2 of the worst leaders in the world; for good ratings.  He is stupidly dangerous, completely narcissistic.

He won the election with the help of Putin's FSB Oligarchs and is now doing as they wish. More than anything, years ago he expressed a drooling desire to be friends with Putin, and has pursued this end like a 16 year old seeking an autograph from a pop star.

Some of my Super - right leaning friends found out how much I love this country. They found how much I disagree with some of the things it has done; the Vietnam War, Iraq War, torture, Racist policies. The list goes on. Steve Bannon wanted to "burn it down" and Trump didn't care as long as he got good ratings.

Now the some of the Republicans are helping him get around the law; more than anything Our Country is based on the rule of law. It used to be. As I mentioned, it is now based on the new golden rule:"Whoever has the gold, makes the rules." If you have a few billion, you can change things, if not you're screwed.

But wait; the parkland kids are still a hope for those of us who love Our Country. There is still a chance to get it back. We are the ones who rule the country. Vote the Neo-Nazis, the racists, the golden rule bastards out. Start this November; get rid of the crooks.

After all, it's not a reality show, it's Our Country.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Aunt Edna part 2

Well Howdy,

Aunt Edna and the kids are doing fine, Uncle Arthur made such a hit in the choir that he goes to practice 3 times a week. We haven't had the heart to tell Aunt Edna That choir practice is only on Wednesday nights.

Milly and the seven kids are going to marry Heck Ramsey and his trailer. Her ex, Bobby-Joe, took it in stride; he told Billy McCoy that her jeans didn't fit, anyway.

Hal and the boys are still up to Sauder Crick. Mrs. Adele still sends him fifty dollars care of General Delivery up in Sauderville. She says he'll probably come home if he runs out of money.

Cousin Bill is back in school, but he got in to a big fight with his algebra teacher. Seems Miss Adams was explaining that "Pie are square." and Bill took issue with that hollering that "any damn fool knows pie are round, cornbread are square". Miss Adams sent him to the principal.

Guess that's about it for now.

Elias T. Pottrattle

Aunt Edna part 1

Well Howdy,

Uncle Arthur is now singing in the church choir ever since Edna found him in the choir loft with the new soprano.

Milly and the seven kids moved to Heck Ramsey's trailer, across the park from the old one. As she put it, "they all look like him anyway." Her husband Bobby-Joe says that now the divorce is final he may have a chance to get in her jeans, as she left a couple of pair behind.

Cousin Jeb growed a foot, and Aunt Matilda says it's a pity it didn't grow where he lost the one in the sawmill accident.

Hal and the boys ran up to Sauder Crick a week Tuesday, and ain't been heard from since. Mrs. Adele says that he'll be back oncet he runs out of cash money and promptly sent him fifty dollars care of General Delivery up in Sauderville.

Cousin Bill done dropped out of school but Aunt Ethel says he's OK as he landed in the bushes and they broke his fall. Her husband Will, has taken to wearing girly underwear, since she found bra and panties in the glove box of his pickup.

Elias T. Pottrattle

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Autumn's First

Autumn's First

I remember many firsts throughout my life. The first time I saw the stars, unfettered by the ambient lights of a city. The first day of school, of summer camp. The first book I read without being told to do so; which was The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury(and will explain much to those who know me). The first time I ever, umm; well I was much older then and it's really no one's business.

For nearly all of those, the magic of that first moment never returns; except in the yellow-edged pages of memory. While this is often sufficient for dotards like myself, it is still not the same.

Be not saddened, my fellow travelers. At least for me, there is one first that always returns. No matter how many years pass, this one delight is always as excellent an experience as the first time it happened. It happens this time every year, while the earth rotates away from the Summer sun. The trees and birds and other living things know it, sense it perhaps, before we humans realize. And so Autumn creeps upon us, swirling yellow and orange leaves across the fields and pavements. So we leave our car air conditioners off at last, swish open the curtains and raise the windows at home; letting the last of Summer out and the first of Autumn in to our lives.

I ignored the mailbox on the way in, the almost full trash can could wait to receive it's allotment of flyers and ads. I dismissed the hum of the fans, the hushed electronic jibbering of my computers. Abandoning my backpack to a convenient kitchen chair, I opened the zippered front pocket and retrieved my magic orb. Stopping only to give it a perfunctory rinsing, I lifted it to my face and bit deeply.

There are no words, at least in English, to describe it. It's the essence of what is kindly provided by our planet, perhaps the reason that Druids worshiped trees. The sweet-tart snap of its skin against my teeth and the scent and taste filled my every sense at once. There is no drug, no other physical pleasure that equals this; and every time is like the very first time.

I savored that McIntosh Apple as long as I might. The Autumn's first, brought from the hither lands by a dear friend who actually paid attention (apparently and most surprisingly) to my rants. There is only one apple, of course, and that is the McIntosh. All others are pale imitations, mongrels and thoroughly incapable of eliciting this response. I ate everything but the seeds, and I considered that for a moment. If this was the apple that tempted Eve to the tree of knowledge (historically I concede that it was a pomegranate), I completely understand.

Now alas, I shall have to wait another year for this, but I assure you, the wait is well worth it.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

It's really very simple

  1. BP halts all operations in the US
  2. BP's drilling permits are all rescinded, all drilling ceases immediately
  3. BP goes into international receivership until the spill is cleaned up and all claims are paid
  4. BP is no longer in charge of the cleanup, BP employees are subject to arrest if found anywhere in the area, especially the lawyers
  5. Any claims that have been paid are voided and will not serve to exonerate BP
  6. BP is forbidden to sell or produce and distribute dividends or bonuses until the cleanup is over
  7. BP will no longer be allowed to operate in the US or its territories EVER
  8. CEO, and project manager for BP are arrested without bail until the courts clear this up
  9. ANYONE who utters the words "Drill Baby, Drill" will be arrested, shot, hung and then shot again to be sure