Showing posts with label media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label media. Show all posts

Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Truth About LSD

LSD. Lysergic acid diethylamide. LSD was first synthesized in 1938 by Swiss chemist Dr. Albert Hofmann at the Sandoz Laboratories in Basel, Switzerland. The acronym LSD comes from the German "Lysergsaure-diethylamid". LSD is synthesized from lysergic acid derived from ergot, a grain fungus that typically grows on rye. In pure form it is colorless, odorless and mildly bitter. LSD is typically delivered orally, usually on absorbent blotter paper, a sugar cube, or gelatin. In its liquid form, it can be administered by intramuscular or intravenous injection, or even in the form of eye-drops.

I heard Clark Carr, Director of Narconon International, talking about LSD on the History Channel. Though I can't quote him directly, what he said was:

1. I took LSD and became a barefoot "Hippie" overnight.
2. LSD was causing the social upheaval in the 60's

HUH?? Is this George Orwell's Nightmare come true? Was this person around the US in the 60's? Did he do acid more than once?

Let us evaluate:

1. I took LSD and became a barefoot "Hippie" overnight.

If he became a "Hippie" after 1 LSD "trip" he had much bigger issues than drug use. I suspect he was one of those losers who hung around the edges of the movement, doing free drugs and trying to get laid. A dipshit is a dipshit - on or off LSD.

2. LSD caused the social upheaval in the 60's

If Clark didn't realize that LSD and it's kin were the symptoms, not the cause; then he missed the whole point. He spoke as if drugs were this new thing to the Human Race that these mis-guided Hippies found. I repeat: HUH???

I suspect (though I couldn't Google anything on it), that way more Valium and alcohol was consumed by average citizens, than Pot and LSD by Hippies. It was common practice to prescribe Valium to women who complained about their marriage. It was just as common to prescribe little pink pep pills (Benzedrine or "Bennies") to busy executives so they could work longer. 8 year olds were being given Morphine, for migraines. I know, as I was one of them.

Furthermore, Cocaine, and Marijuana were rampant in the 20's and 30's. Patent Medicine refer to medicines that had cocaine or marijuana as the main ingredient. Buddha ate lotus blossoms for goodness sake. People have been doing drugs since they could figure out how to do them. Birds and mammals eat fermented berries, it is rumored that elephants eat the fruit of the marula tree, as an intoxicant - though there is plenty of debate about that.

Clark went on to say that all drugs were poison, because if you take enough they will kill you. However, if you take enough of anything it will kill you - just Google Jennifer Strange.

Jennifer Strange, 28, took part in a contest called "Hold your Wee for a Wii." A medical examiner said the woman died of water intoxication. Water intoxication is a condition that causes the organs -- especially the brain -- to swell.

So then, is it this mis-informed social mis-fit to write the History of LSD? He must have an agenda of his own. Let's see, why would the director of Narconon dislike drugs? Maybe a better question is why is anyone listening to this half-witted propaganda?

The point is, we must draw a line in the sand, so to speak. This is fact, this is not. I'm tired of getting half-witted propaganda represented as the facts. I'm nauseous from all the spin, and I'd like to see an elected official - or anyone- present the unvarnished facts. I'm not interested in "Truth" anymore. Your truth is different than mine. Give me facts, without the adjectives. Always ask yourself, "What does this person have to gain by this interpretation of the facts?"

Does anyone think it's right, either ethically or morally, to re-write history to support your pet project?

Are you listening Dubya?

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Democrat or Republican

I am told that the clinical definition of insanity is the tendency to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results. - Stephen F. Lynch

I like to start with a quote, it makes it seem as if I know something. I have just started "State of Denial: Bush at War, Part III" - by Bob Woodward. While it is disturbing, so far, it is not surprising. I think it was a mild profile of the Administration. I always pictured Rumsfeld as a full-blown paranoiac, trying to save the world from the godless liberals and communists. I always figured Rove plays just like the creepy SS Man in Indiana Jones, they look alike. Also, I always thought that the Saudi Royal Family flat-out purchased the Presidency, so they could get rid of Saddam, and give the militants something to shoot at beside the Saudi Royal Family. They can afford it.

We can't. We have lost the Country, Our America, Everyone's America; to the lunatic fringe of religion, prejudice and the very worst parts of Capitalism. In a large part I blame the Media. Morrow and Cronkite and Rudd, fought for nothing. The great and unbiased media news doesn't exist anymore. They are running special interest promotional spots as real news. the news is not, it's a long commercial. It's a dirty joke.

You and I did it. Through action, or the lack of it, we allowed this Administration to screw up America, maybe beyond redemption. By accepting, we allowed the TV news to degenerate into the biased, glitzy beast it has become. The rest of the World has backed away from us. Just as you would back away from the playground bully when he gets that look in his eye, and you know someone is gonna wind up upside-down on the monkey bars.

But all this is nothing new, the news during the Thirties and Forties was filled with exaggerations, staged stories and pure bullshit. Some of most revered politicians have been crooked bastards - some of whom were out of touch with reality. Ideally, anyone who would want to run for office, should be forbidden from doing so; which leaves a whole different set of issues. So what can we, you and I, do about this mess?

Vote, for one thing. Read the paper, it may be little more than fish wrap, but at least it's not TV. Go to a city council meeting, see what you think of the folks you are going to vote for. Join the ACLU, Young Republicans, Greenpeace, Pro-life group or a Pro-choice group. Join the YMCA - Join something, learn something, sign something or SAY something. Watch PBS, instead of the Glitz Channels. Go the the Library, Watch the History Channel. Watch the History Channel and then go to the Library and look it up.

Don't take any one's word for it; use the Internet, the Library, Your children and find out more. Don't take any of that for granted, either. Do your own thinking, make your own decisions. Better yet, stop everything and play with your children. Then get up off your intellectual ass and do something to make yourself feel better about America, Our America. There must be a way for us "Po' Folk" to get it back.

It is unfortunate that we only have two choices; Democrat or Republican. (Please leave the Independents out, this time. All those loose cannons helped the Republicans, in the last election.) I see the Democrats as the lesser of two vile, disgusting, crooked, perverted evils.
Such is American Politics.
If you are as disgusted as I am, register to vote in the 2008 elections. I would consider this unpleasant experience with the Saudi Presidency a victory for America, if 60 percent of the citizens turned out to vote. I wouldn't even care if they voted for another Republican.


Next Time: What I Believe And Why I Don't Give A Damn What You Think.
- Dick Cheney's imaginary diary