Friday, April 05, 2024

Toddle is an Onomatopoeia


I had no moral responsibility to the boy, other than the one taken on as a babysitter. This mainly required that I feed and change him regularly, and not allow him to fall in the pool, run with scissors or be eaten by a pack of wild dogs. The usual stuff Mommies worry about.

This particular instance, Austin and I traversed the great sea of concrete to visit the Aquarium. (What? the desert?) His bottle firmly stuck in his face, he giggled and flirted with me all the way there.

Outside the aquarium, is a botanical garden

Being One-and-a-half, the world is experienced as a mystery, by all the senses. This generally applies to anything about the face of the 18 month old and particularly applies to the mouth and nose. It should be noted that there seems to be a set order of orifices, that being; mouth, nose, ears, etc.

Anyway, Austin toddled off over the lawn in search of new and colorful things to eat. We had lately been working on languages and though he only rarely utters full words, his intonation and inflection are brilliant. Great-Grandma maintains that he will never learn to speak if everybody keeps handing him stuff when he grunts. She is probably right.

So Austin grabbed the nastiest, brownest looking weed, with big sticker-kinda-looking thingies on it and looked at me.

"Ma-oo-um-aa?" he uttered, holding the pollen laden, dirt-encrusted weed just beyond my reach. Though the phonemes were meaningless to me, the tone was clear. It was the tone Marsha Mason used in The Goodbye Girl when she said "Because I'm the Mommy, that's why." Except Austin was telling me, "I've already looked at this wonderful and mysterious object, now I must put it in my mouth."

Perhaps now would be a good time to bring up some painfully technical stuff. It is a known fact that a baby's synapses work much faster than an adult Uncle's. Small children also have a gift for being 4 inches beyond ones reach at any given time. I should also mention that the laughter of children is the finest sound in the universe.

Aging Uncle made a grab for the weed and managed to get all of it away from incredibly agile toddler's mouth and most of it out of his hand. The remainder, of course, went directly into his nose. A look of astonishment overcame his face and metamorphosed into and aura of distaste mixed with intense concentration. Dear Austin removed the tendril of weed from his left nostril. He looked at it, he looked at me. He raised his eyebrows, said "Uh-oh" and sneezed.

I don't recall hearing him sneeze before, although I'm sure he must have. In either case, Austin thought this at once hilarious and mystifying, so much that he tried it again. Fortunately, even aging Uncle's can move fast enough for that. As soon as the giggle wore off that, he toddled off toward a tree to investigate. Using a slight rising intonation he said, "Da-dar?" Meaning of course, would you be kind enough to lift me up there. ("Da-dar?" = Gordon)

It was a new tree for Austin, It was a Wisteria bush, but we had not got that far, botanically speaking. To our surprise and delight, a hummingbird popped up over the bush, and hovered directly in front of Austin. After a long, slow intake of breath he began with "ooooh!" and then giggled contagiously.

Did I mention that the laughter of children is the finest sound in the universe?

Wednesday, August 09, 2023

It's Too Late

 It's Too Late 

(roll Carol King "It's too late".)

I've been on this planet of ours for 60 odd years. In my opinion it's too late. We've passed the tipping point and nothing we can do now will stop it. So, We'd better get used to the heat, storms and the death of a multitude of plants and animals on our planet. Even worse, as the permafrost and ice melts it will release previously sequestered carbon, viruses and bacterium that we haven't had to deal with for thousands of years. If you think Covid was bad wait until you catch the Jurassic flu.

It's Great Chain. 

The frogs die off and eventually the predators who feed on them die too. The bees die off and plants that they helped pollinate eventually die off, too. Plants like apples, corn, almonds, etc.

Habitat Destruction

We hack down trees which, for thousands of years have given us breath, held back the land from sliding and given shelter to species that are another part of that great chain.

It's too late, now. The best we can do is to slow it down and that, only if we slow or stop the carnage. If we do we won't stop it, we will just slow it down. It's too late to stop it.

We've already fished out the Herring, Tuna etc. Any suggestions on how to stop the factory ships from killing the Oceans? Even with good regulations, they'll find a way to get around it. More people makes a need for more food, 

Greed, it's all about greed and stupidity. If only we understood what's going on. If only we gave a damn when we do figure it out.


40 odd years ago I whined about the Great Lake frog population mutating from pollution. My family laughed at me. If I was 6 years old at the time they would have patted me on the head and said something reassuring. Remember the idiotic Senator with the snowball? Remember the Cigarette manufacturers?

We've always known what we needed to do, but the monied interests have always prioritized their bottom line over the survival of our planet. So have the officials we elect to get things done.

The Answer

There isn't one. Period. We had our moments and due to greed and stupidity (see above) we blew it. At least I'll be dead before the worst of the food riots start.